Rob, I love the first chapter of "Tales & Treasure," I wish THE LOST FOREST was a real book; I feel sure that I would love it. Vatis is a wonderful character; he is real and vulnerable and finding his way. It's very easy for the reader to root for him and walk in his shoes. The opening hooked me instantly, and now I will need to make time to read the rest. One thought, I would love to see more description. You have wonderful travels and places in the story. This reader would liked to see them in his mind's eye. A delight!

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Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter, and yes I do need to get better with describing the setting. Thanks for the advice. I'm always trying to get a little better

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Rob well done. First chapter in and I want to read more!

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Thank you!

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Thoroughly enjoyed Vatis the Bard and the start of what primises to be a twisting, fun adventure through a medieval land.

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Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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Aug 20Liked by Rob Mortell

A wonderful start to an interesting story! I'm ready for part two!

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Thank you for reading!

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Finally had a chance to start this, and I am glad I did. Great start!

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This is an excellent first chapter. Vatis bending over a dying man, feeling not grief or rage but…mild disappointment that he won’t get to finish his story , sets up the character’s motives and personality quite well

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I look forward to continued reading

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So happy to have you along for the story!

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Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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This is really good.

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Thank you!

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